Loved the sketch dump! It's fulsome! I also have to thank you for introducing me to the podcast Sleep With Me. I've fallen asleep to it two nights in a row. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin's stroke, but glad to see that he's getting a ton of help. Best wishes to him.
A) I feel your pain. (With regard to the city noise stuff. Though, truth be told; having lived in both a city - West Hollywood, and in "the country" - in New York and New Jersey, I find that I'm much more rattled by the 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM sounds of landscapers' ride-on mowers, leaf blowers, chain saws, hedge trimmers, and weed-wackers, than I am by the sounds made by city folk; mostly because my neighbors’ landscapers routinely spend hours working on properties that need no tending to (why don’t my neighbors realize that green things go dormant, in Zone 6, from July through to September?); and because said landscapers now even mow my neighbors’ lawns on Sundays, Christmas Day, and in February.); B) Been there, suffered that. (With the hair stuff. Do you think a just-right amount of volumizer might make hair strands less likely to knot themselves? I bet those who’ve gone the mega-expensive Japanese and/or Korean “permanent” hair-straightening route are knot free!); C) Witches are groovy! and, D) I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin. Thanks, for letting us know about it.
It is funny how sounds hit us differently in places — I know what you mean about the ridiculous incessant upkeep of the suburbs. There’s a couple across from my parents who are remodeling a perfectly wonderful home and it has everyone so puzzled. I’ll look into volumizer tho I’m famously terrible at actually doing anything with my hair!!!
Charles!!! I stopped watching once he left. Joan is super boring. Why is she into the guy that brought a weird jar of soup instead of him?! I loved when Charles called his daughter and he’s like “hi Sofia this is your dad! I AM AT PROM!” I also liked the drunk cannon ball guy. He was a riot. The boomer bbq bachelor/ette is the only kind of bach franchise I can get behind.
Loved the sketch dump! It's fulsome! I also have to thank you for introducing me to the podcast Sleep With Me. I've fallen asleep to it two nights in a row. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin's stroke, but glad to see that he's getting a ton of help. Best wishes to him.
Omg you are officially a Sleep With Me addict!!!!! Welcome to the club!
I feel the “watch out world” one v deeply❤️❤️❤️
A) I feel your pain. (With regard to the city noise stuff. Though, truth be told; having lived in both a city - West Hollywood, and in "the country" - in New York and New Jersey, I find that I'm much more rattled by the 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM sounds of landscapers' ride-on mowers, leaf blowers, chain saws, hedge trimmers, and weed-wackers, than I am by the sounds made by city folk; mostly because my neighbors’ landscapers routinely spend hours working on properties that need no tending to (why don’t my neighbors realize that green things go dormant, in Zone 6, from July through to September?); and because said landscapers now even mow my neighbors’ lawns on Sundays, Christmas Day, and in February.); B) Been there, suffered that. (With the hair stuff. Do you think a just-right amount of volumizer might make hair strands less likely to knot themselves? I bet those who’ve gone the mega-expensive Japanese and/or Korean “permanent” hair-straightening route are knot free!); C) Witches are groovy! and, D) I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin. Thanks, for letting us know about it.
PS. I LOVE the illustrations and captions!
It is funny how sounds hit us differently in places — I know what you mean about the ridiculous incessant upkeep of the suburbs. There’s a couple across from my parents who are remodeling a perfectly wonderful home and it has everyone so puzzled. I’ll look into volumizer tho I’m famously terrible at actually doing anything with my hair!!!
This is a great one
Thank you!
Charles!!! I stopped watching once he left. Joan is super boring. Why is she into the guy that brought a weird jar of soup instead of him?! I loved when Charles called his daughter and he’s like “hi Sofia this is your dad! I AM AT PROM!” I also liked the drunk cannon ball guy. He was a riot. The boomer bbq bachelor/ette is the only kind of bach franchise I can get behind.