Thank you so much for sharing, Hilary. All of this was incredibly relatable to me. I’ve gone through my ups and downs in relationship to food and my body. I also have a sweet tooth I must constantly control.

Also, side note: not sure if you know were toast(ing) as a form of celebration (raise a glass and give a toast...) comes from. Just in case, sharing with you since I found the history fascinating.


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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell

I always love the idea of cooking without thinking about the ingredients that go into it! So I’ll end up making something way outside of my tastes and then have to sit there sadly eating it.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell

Can of worms: opened. But would you want to eat from it? My affliction: Thinking about food during yoga. Is there anything else to think about during down-dog? Good part: by the final namaste, I usually know what to make for dinner.

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yoga is a great place to make so many life decisions, from dinner plans to divorces!!!

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell

👋 recently diagnosed with PCOS and learned my hunger signals are broken! hungry and not hungry can't be trusted which leaves me thinking about food allllll day.

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Just had to look up PCOS, I had never heard of it! I'm sorry to hear this - hope you're getting the help you ned. And having broken hunger signals -- talk about confusing!!!!!

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell

Definitely have a solid support system. Thank you for sharing your food experience, I'll keep my eyes peeled for this new snack book 👀

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I’m right there with you!!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell

Your voice is FANTASTIC!!! Love your work!!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell

I was anorexic and then, I got pregnant and gained ridiculous weight. From that moment on, I never had a problem again w not being hungry...(I did eventually, slowly get back to my average size and level out. )

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell

I realized that I have started to eat well since I have been cooking. I used to be relatively interested in what I ate (while really enjoying doing it) but eating what you cook is different from eating what you buy ready-made. In what you cook there is knowledge of the ingredients and effort in assembling and cooking them, as well as creativity. Moreover, by cooking you are also less hungry, perhaps because you "eat" just by smelling the food. And then when you struggle to cook you remember it as you eat and so you are more attentive to the flavors and don't waste anything. It takes more time but it is all gained.

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i know my boyfriend feels this way!! maybe one day i will have an interest in cooking... it hasn't happened yet!

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Huh, I’m the opposite. Cooking really isn’t my jam, I feel anxious while cooking and then I enjoy the meal less because either I’m noticing how I messed up the recipe or I’m just TiRED of the flavors/smells/etc. I much prefer someone else cooking something for me that I like. In addition I’d prefer they read my mind and figure out what I want without me having to talk. (I realize this isn’t realistic)

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell

I can relate...and these cartoons give me the munchies.

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For me it’s always been eating and/or snacking too much. I have a massive sweet tooth that will be my eventual downfall. But yeah, I struggle too...

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I also have a massive sweet tooth and want to be eating redvines and gummy bears all the time !

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Relatable and ugh why is food so hard.

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Nice information

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