Cartoons by Hilary
What'd You Do This Weekend?
Episode 10: What'd You Do This Weekend? with Vivian Martinez

Episode 10: What'd You Do This Weekend? with Vivian Martinez

"Tiny Margaritaville"


Vivian Martinez sits down with Derek and Hilary this week to chat about her weekend filled with kid’s birthday parties, prepping for a new job and Monkey Pox. Also, Derek breaks down the Bratz movie and Hilary goes to the Museum of Natural History for the first time.

Vivian Martinez is a comedian and tech extraordinaire at Film Independent. Follow her at @vivianizcool on all platforms!

Cartoons by Hilary
What'd You Do This Weekend?
What’d You Do This Weekend? is a hilarious podcast with cartoonist Hilary Campbell and writer Derek Boeckelmann who are obviously best friends who are very very funny. Every week they’ll answer that age old question, what did you do this weekend? With tales of New York vs LA, delivery vs. pickup, boys vs. girls, each week Hilary and Derek invite guests to get into every aspect of what it means to be alive from Friday night to Monday morning.