Cartoons by Hilary
What'd You Do This Weekend?
Episode 19: What'd You Do This Weekend? with Lyz Lenz

Episode 19: What'd You Do This Weekend? with Lyz Lenz

"Republican Poetry"

“Republican Poetry”

We’re back from our very long and random hiatus this week, chatting (sans Derek!) with Iowa journalist Lyz Lenz, author behind the famed substack Men Yell At Me. Please join us as we break down her weekend where she watches Broadcast News for the first time, cries, cuts her bangs, and finds herself having to listen to the poet laureate of Iowa. Plus, Hilary talks about being a sex positive dog mom, figuring out a shoe fits, and going to a traveling pumpkin patch in Brighton Beach.

For more of Lyz’s work, please follow her on Twitter and find her books Belabored and God Land at a bookstore near you!

Cartoons by Hilary
What'd You Do This Weekend?
What’d You Do This Weekend? is a hilarious podcast with cartoonist Hilary Campbell and writer Derek Boeckelmann who are obviously best friends who are very very funny. Every week they’ll answer that age old question, what did you do this weekend? With tales of New York vs LA, delivery vs. pickup, boys vs. girls, each week Hilary and Derek invite guests to get into every aspect of what it means to be alive from Friday night to Monday morning.